Friday, November 1, 2019

Hiroshi Katanishi 7 dan. Judo. Exercises. Methodology. Technique

Hiroshi Katanishi 7 dan. Judo. Exercises. Methodology. Technique
In the first film, Catanishi shows exercises for the technique of Nage Waza - a throw through the back (seoi-nage), a throw over the shoulder (ippon-seoi-nage), sweeping from the inside (kouchi-gari). Exercises are many. All of them are specialized for judo. These tasks can easily be used in training. Carrying out these tasks, you will be able to expand your motor abilities. This film is rich in single and pair training exercises. If you look closely at the proposed tasks, then on their basis you can develop new ones. Every explanation, Kataniši, is supported by some example. Absence of translation is not even noticed. Everything is visual and accessible. For a coach, this film can be an excellent video guide. When the Catanisi shows, there is a feeling that he can make a throw in any direction and from any situation.
Film 2. 48 min. Hiroshi Katanishi 7 dan. Judo. Exercises. Methodology. Technique.
Exercises for the Nage Waza technique - front sweep (sasae-tsurikomi-ashi), inside hook (ouchi-gari), side cut (de-ashi-harai), padding at the pace of steps (okuri-ashi-harai). The film is very dynamic and impetuous. A large number of movements and movements during the execution of the cast or its explanation. All the technique of throwing rests on a variety of movements, on a large number of preparatory tasks. Interesting dynamic judo.
Film 3. 50 min. Hiroshi Katanishi 7 dan. Judo. Exercises. Methodology. Technique.
Exercises to the technique of Nage Waza - (uchi-mata) picking up from the inside. The whole film understands one technique (uchi-mata) pick-up from the inside. To this cast, Catanisi shows exercises in pairs, for one athlete, for three judokas, in dynamics, standing still, with a wrestling belt. Explains how to form a wrestler's pose for this throw, how to hold this pose, how to do a somersault over your shoulder. Separately shows the work of the hands, the direction of inferiority. Combines with other techniques. Shows the counter techniques and protection against the reception of uchi-mata. There is no more detailed analysis and explanation for this cast in any film.
Film 4. 58 min. Hiroshi Katanishi 7 dan. Judo. Exercises. Methodology. Technique.
The whole film is dedicated to the struggle of lying. Ne Waza.Protection. Movement. Change of attack and defense positions. Coups. Release from the winding of the leg. The film gives a complete picture of the profitable and not advantageous provisions in the struggle lying. Explains how to navigate in these positions. It shows paired and single tasks for mastering the fight lying. The film also abounds in the richness and variety of exercises and assignments. From the general display, Catanisi always turns to a specific technique and shows how the situation in the struggle can develop. This film is more devoted to the basics in the fight lying. Here is a platform on which you can develop an attack and defense in the position ne waza.
Film 1-4. 221 min. Hiroshi Katanishi 7 dan. Judo. Exercises. Methodology. Technique.
In this seminar, Catanishi analyzed the following topics: throwing technique; Preparation of the throw (elimination from balance, teaching, various exercises in pairs and three people); movement (in all directions); seizure (traction by hands, institution, etc.). The main focus of the seminar is how to teach the technique of judo. This is evident not only from the demonstration of throws (the Catanisi performs excellent shots), but also when showing the lead exercises, auxiliary tasks, exercises with the belt. All this can be seen on our website. It should also be taken into account that this is a Japanese method of teaching judo. Here you can get acquainted with such a topic as pose wrestler. The film will be useful to everyone: anyone who loves judo, who is engaged in judo, teaches and studies judo.
Type: Judo
Film 1. 65 min. Hiroshi Katanishi 7 dan. Judo. Exercises. Methodology. Technique.

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