Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Lessons of children's judo. Technique of training of children.

Judo lessons. 

Judo technique with a hold

 Children Judo lessons. Technique of retaking a hold(Disc only).Technique
of retaking a hold.

Film offers a new educational film about children Judo. Methods of teaching
offered by the author, is designed for any age and level of knowledge of
children and adults. The film covers the following topics: how to teach
children to take a hold, how to teach children to move during the hold, how to
teach children to change a hold depending of the opponent's actions. For
example, a few throws shows how to learn and perform judo technique. The film
shows the children training of dynamic break balance and also a range of
preparatory actions in the holds. This technique is the base platform for
training a large number of technical actions of judo. As a good example is
taken a shoulder throw (ippon-seoi-nage) and interception of a kimono lapel. As
examples are shown another nine techniques of judo. The film is a methodical
manual on training judo techniques. The proposed methodology is simple enough
to use and is available for any coach and fan. The film is designed for a wide
range of specialists, as well as children and their parents.